The earliest online social networks were arguably
the Bulletin Board Systems of the 1980s that let users post public messages,
send and receive private messages, play games, and exchange software. Some of
those BBSs, like The WELL (Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link) that technologist Larry
Brilliant and futurist Stewart Brand started in 1985, made the transition to the
World Wide Web in the mid-1990s. Other websites for community and connection
emerged in the 1990s, including (1995), where users register by
high school and year of graduation; Company of Friends, a business-oriented
site founded in 1997; and Epinions, founded in 1999 to allow users to give
their opinions about various consumer products.
A new generation of social networking websites appeared in 2002 with the
launch of Friendster, whose founder, Jonathan Abrams, admitted that his main
motivation for creating the site was to meet attractive women. Unlike previous
online communities, which brought together anonymous strangers with shared
interests, Friendster uses a model of social networking known as the “Circle of
Friends” (developed by British computer scientist Jonathan Bishop), in which
users invite friends and acquaintances — that is, people they already know and
like — to join their network.
Friendster was an immediate success, with millions of registered users
by mid-2003. But technological glitches and poor management at the company
allowed a new social networking site, MySpace, launched in 2003, quickly to
surpass it. Originally started by musicians, MySpace has become a major venue
for sharing music as well as videos and photos. It is now the behemoth of
online social networking, with over 100 million registered users. Connection
has become big business: In 2005, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation bought
MySpace for $580 million.
Besides MySpace and Friendster, the best-known social networking site is
Facebook, launched in 2004. Originally restricted to college students, Facebook
— which takes its name from the small photo albums that colleges once gave to
incoming freshmen and faculty to help them cope with meeting so many new people
— soon extended membership to high schoolers and is now open to anyone. Still,
it is most popular among college students and recent college graduates, many of
whom use the site as their primary method of communicating with one another.
Millions of college students check their Facebook pages several times every day
and spend hours sending and receiving messages, making appointments, getting
updates on their friends’ activities, and learning about people they might
recently have met or heard about.
Social networking sites are also fertile ground for those who make it
their lives’ work to get your attention — namely, spammers, marketers, and
politicians. Incidents of spamming and spyware on MySpace and other social
networking sites are legion. Legitimate advertisers such as record labels and
film studios have also set up pages for their products. In some cases,
fictional characters from books and movies are given their own official MySpace
pages. Some sports mascots and brand icons have them, too. Procter & Gamble
has a Crest toothpaste page on MySpace featuring a sultry-looking model called
“Miss Irresistible.” As of this summer, she had about 50,000 users linked as
friends, whom she urged to “spice it up by sending a naughty (or nice) e-card.”
The e-cards are emblazoned with Crest or Scope logos, of course, and include
messages such as “I wanna get fresh with you” or “Pucker up baby — I’m getting
fresh.” A P& G marketing officer recently told the Wall Street Journal that from a business perspective, social networking sites are “going to
be one giant living dynamic learning experience about consumers.”
Despite the increasingly diverse range of social networking sites, the
most popular sites share certain features. On MySpace and Facebook, for
example, the process of setting up one’s online identity is relatively simple:
Provide your name, address, e-mail address, and a few other pieces of
information and you’re up and running and ready to create your online persona.
MySpace includes a section, “About Me,” where you can post your name, age,
where you live, and other personal details such as your zodiac sign, religion,
sexual orientation, and relationship status. There is also a “Who I’d Like to
Meet” section, which on most MySpace profiles is filled with images of
celebrities. Users can also list their favorite music, movies, and television
shows, as well as their personal heroes; MySpace users can also blog on their
pages. A user “friends” people — that is, invites them by e-mail to appear on
the user’s “Friend Space,” where they are listed, linked, and ranked. Below the
Friends space is a Comments section where friends can post notes. MySpace
allows users to personalize their pages by uploading images and music and
videos; indeed, one of the defining features of most MySpace pages is the
ubiquity of visual and audio clutter. With silly, hyper flashing graphics in
neon colors and clip-art style images of kittens and cartoons, MySpace pages
often resemble an overdecorated high school yearbook.
By contrast, Facebook limits what its users can do to their profiles. Besides general personal information, Facebook users have a “Wall” where people can leave them brief notes, as well as a Messages feature that functions like an in-house Facebook e-mail account. You list your friends on Facebook as well, but in general, unlike MySpace friends, which are often complete strangers (or spammers) Facebook friends tend to be part of one’s offline social circle. (This might change, however, now that Facebook has opened its site to anyone rather than restricting it to college and high school students.) Facebook (and MySpace) allow users to form groups based on mutual interests. Facebook users can also send “pokes” to friends; these little digital nudges are meant to let someone know you are thinking about him or her.
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